Pedagogy for the galaxy


Welcome to our website

This website is to complement and build upon a seminar on Non-directive intervention style classroom management, in particular, the work of Carl Rogers and Thomas Gordon.  It is the digital learning object we created to fulfill the requirements of an Education assignment.  However, we hope that this website provides a useful starting point for students not only at Edith Cowan University in Western Australia, but for any interested students who stumble upon the site.

Please feel free to visit the website, read the materials and watch the videos.  Moreover, we hope that you will actively participate on this site on our forums and guestbook, and if you feel you have time to burn and information to spread, you can send us some articles you have written on classroom management theories.

We have taken a Star Wars theme to this topic to make it a little more entertaining, and hopefully bring a smile to your face.  If however, you have not seen Star Wars, we strongly urge you with I-messages, empathic active listening and any non-interventionist approach we can think of, to go watch it immediately.  It may not make you a better teacher, but it is a heck of a movie series.

May the pedagogy be with you...


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